My life in the Burbs... Domesticity at its finest :)

My life in the Burbs... Domesticity at its finest :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

29 Weeks Week 29:
Your baby is about two and a half pounds and would be between fifteen and seventeen inches tall if she could stand. Your baby's adrenal glands are producing a chemical which will be made into estriol (a form of estrogen) by the placenta. This estriol is thought to stimulate the production of prolactin by your body, and the prolactin makes you produce milk. So even if your baby comes early, you'll still be able to breastfeed. Each passing week improves the likelihood that your baby will be born strong and healthy. Her brain can detect rhythmic breathing and control body temperature, so she's less likely to need breathing assistance should she be born early. She's growing eyelashes, adding fat, and developing her brain. Because of brain wave activity, researchers have speculated that babies can even dream at this time!

How I'm feeling this week: OLD! :) The third trimester is here in full swing. I am feeling tired a lot quicker than usual. Breathing is a bit of an effort at the moment... with my uterus growing and growing it leaves little room inside for me, and my lungs :)

Amy and I went to London's Fashion weekend yesterday, and we were walking around for about 3 hours, and man I feel it today! Whew! You would think I was on the stair-master for hours the way my butt and thighs feel! Geez!!! The fashion was fabulous, however, quite depressing to go to something like this pregnant. There were TONS of clothing boutique stalls set up with incredible sales, but all we could do was look :( Booooo.... I asked Amy, 'When do we get to reclaim our fabulous 20 something selves??' Hehe

But all these aliments are just a part of the bag,... and really not all that bad :) I like to moan to Neil to get sympathy cuddles :)

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