My life in the Burbs... Domesticity at its finest :)

My life in the Burbs... Domesticity at its finest :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Does anyone remember fruit roll ups????

Soooo, I'm sitting at my desk this morning thinking, man, what is that flavor I'm craving. I sat and thought about it for awhile, and then suddenly it came to me! Fruit Roll Ups! AH! I was trying to describe what they are to people in my office and that is harder than you think. 'It's like this flat candy stuff, that's kinda chewy, and kinda sticky, but not like taffy...' They all just looked at me like I was crazy!

So, I guess this can be counted as my first odd craving (seems totally legit to me at the moment) :) Of course, I googled Fruit Roll Ups to show my collegues what I'm talking about, and links to Fruit by the Foot came up, and Gushers!! Ahhh, throw back!! Yummy... they all sound delicious at the moment! Hehe... just me>??

Last night I went to my first Antenatal Yoga class! Amazing!! I would highly recommend it to any preggers ladies! Afterwards, Neil picked me up and we went straight to the curry house (Indian food, which is completely counterproductive after a quasi work out, but it's delicious)!

Gainesvegas in 2 more sleeps!! Yippeeeeeeee!
Love ooxx

Friday, November 12, 2010

I would like to introduce you to....

Profile of head & body & left fist to the right of the face
Close up
The baby is turned on it's belly, great view of spine! Cool!

I would like to introduce you to: Our little buddy :) Neil likes to call he/she 'Dave'... who knows!???
Our little buddy :)

Yes, let me do the math for you, we got married 5 months ago... life is short, you know!? No need to waste time :) Hehe!
I am about 14 weeks along, which puts the little one being due to meet the world around May 15, 2011!

Let me just confirm all those rumours or wivestales that you all hear about women who are preggers:
At first, week 5-9, I was extremely weepy (will cry at the drop of a hat, but let's be honest, not much has changed there), very nauseous, tired alot, nothing sounds good to eat, no cravings just yet, but I did put mayo on my sandwich a couple of weeks ago, which for those of you who don't know my sandwich preferences, that's bonkers.... Basically, I felt hungover most of the time... never really fresh...
However, the up side of all that.. is that it does pass, or it started to get better for me when I was about 10 weeks.

It is a bit scary having a baby over here, so far away from my family and friends, and familiar health care system :), but regarding the later, I can not fault them yet...
When I first saw my GP (General Practitioner) I was already 7 weeks along. However, it was really strange, they didn't do a blood test or anything to confirm that I was indeed pregnant, just took my word for it. Weird.
And the first time I met my midwife, and was checked out, was November 5th. It's a very interesting system here... It is not that common to see a Dr. during your pregnancy. Unless you have a complicated pregnancy (hope I don't find out what that means) you just see your midwife. This idea freaked me out completely at first.. I wanted to see some credentials, like Med school plaques hanging on the wall, things of that nature... but this is how they do things over here, and that's that. So there you go. hehe
The appointment was to talk about family history, run blood tests, but the REALLY exciting appointment was November 10th!! My first tummy scan!!!! (Pictures above)

I really don't have words to describe the feelings and emotions that hit me the instant the little one appeared on the ultrasound screen. It was as if all thoughts and worries and concerns flew out the window, and all I could think/feel was complete happiness and contentment :) It was one the the best, if not THE best, feelings I've ever had! Neil and I had perma-smiles on our faces the whole day!

Now that we are preparing for a new addition to the O'Brien clan, we have to think about transportation!..... A brand new car (said in my best Price as Right announcer voice)!!! Hehehe, I wish! The reality is I'm pretty sure I'm going to be driving a station wagon, which the British try to make it sound cool, by calling it an 'estate' car.... but don't be fooled by the poncy title... more updates on that issue to come :)

What's next?
November 20th-29th I'll be in AMERICA!!!!! WAHOOO, the land of Chick-fil-A, Longstreet, El Sombrero, Outlet malls... ah yes, the sweet smell of freedom!
December 7th: My next midwife appointment. I'll be about 17 weeks preggers by then.
December 22nd: 20 week scan to check and make sure baby is developing and growing properly. This would be the point at which we could find out the sex... However... we have decided to wait until D-day (May 15th) for a big surprise!!! Good thing I like mint green and yellow :) Hehe
December 27th-January 15th: Back to the states for Christmas celebrations! You just can't keep us away!!

I'll be updating the blog more regularly now that the secret of my baby bump is out! My intention is weekly... to keep you guys up to date on everything... You'll feel like your here going through it with me! Lucky you ;)
I can't wait to see everyone in Gainesvegas!
Hugs and kisses all around
ooxx LAGob

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


November 1st:

Neil and I have been busy little beavers in the kitchen lately.
Neil's prized specialities: roasted tomato and red pepper soup (which we used later as a base for spaghetti sauce) & cinnamon bread pudding (amazing with vanilla bean ice cream)
My creations: homemade pumpkin pie :) getting ready for Thanksgiving & cranberry and apricot scones
The oven heats up the kitchen loads and I think this is Neil's sneaky way of keeping me from turning on the heat.... but I'm on to him!! Hehe!

On a serious note, please say a little prayer for my Nanny. She has fallen, again. Poor girl. :(

Feeling very patriotic lately, I wore my cowboy boots today... made me feel very American... :)
Missing everyone and counting down the days now.... 17!!!! AND NEWS UPDATE: NEIL IS COMING WITH ME NOW!!!!!!! WAHOOOOOO!!!! Thanks to Daniel for sorting us out a fabulous deal!!!!! Amazing! We'll see you soon!!!
ooxx LAGob